TNFro The Melanated Nerd Wants You To Give

We are Blessed for this #GivingTuesday Who are you donated your time or money? Consider the following list:

Ethel Mertz

McKamey Animal Center Chattanooga, Former Caretakers of the gangsta Dog herself, #EthelMertz

Salvation Army

Salvation Army clothing, feeding, and social safety net of all communities.

Jimmy Johnson Foundation, greatest driver in NASCAR history and now the Indy Circuit


American Cancer Society

St. Jude’s

St Judes

Susan Komen

Susan Komen and Breast Cancer Research

New York Times Neediest Cases

This is a short list of charities to donate, you can volunteer your time locally and donate to local charities, just do it and do it often!

Please leave a comment or contact me if any of the links are broken my intent is to drive traffic to these sites to create awareness and to raise cash. So cut the check ya’ll. This is how we better ourselves with sharing the wealth.

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