TNFro Is Starting #2023 Shady AF…RHOP Shenanigans Double Standards and Hypocrisy

I hope everyone is caught up to the latest episode of RHOP, this cast of mean girls are something else. From the usual jealous shade to piling on to allegations of inappropriate behavior against Chris Bassett, completely false in my opinion, by old leather neck aunt Gizzy and Ashley Muppet friend, Deb. This season has … Continue reading TNFro Is Starting #2023 Shady AF…RHOP Shenanigans Double Standards and Hypocrisy

Side Eye Side Bar…The Donkey of The Day Goes To…Conservative US Justices and Former Senate Majority Leader

I personally have been reeling vacillating between rage and despair. Angry at the 80 million people that didn't vote in the 2016 elections and the mislead and misguided that voted for that sexual predator, sociopath. Forgive them Father, For Being Stupid! I have to forgive to create but I don't forget and you will always … Continue reading Side Eye Side Bar…The Donkey of The Day Goes To…Conservative US Justices and Former Senate Majority Leader

TNFro wants people to just be for real When the parents wildin' and don't know restraint, can you expect the child...a CHILD to be responsible? Anger, that these sociopaths had a child and released him on this community, armed... what is going on? And his posts violated terms of service on Facebook, but Mark #Zuckenburger in the the name of Bootsie, didn't … Continue reading TNFro wants people to just be for real

Side Eye Side Bar

If you are a Creative or Content Creator, then create. If you are a writer, then write. But if haven’t done either, you are neither. You get rewarded when you are on your hustle. Step your game up and your payday will come. Until then… And nobody else is paying for vapor and lies. Send … Continue reading Side Eye Side Bar