TNFro Shorts…Dallas Cowboys Frenemies and other Dysfunctional Alliances on r/Over40Dating

So Dallas beat the Trash Titans....I freely admit to my love-hate relationship with the Cowboys. But like that annoying family member, I can talk trash about them but non-fans, and the Stephen Smith's of the world cannot. They won, not by a whole bunch, because as I said, Titans are trash. The offense and defense … Continue reading TNFro Shorts…Dallas Cowboys Frenemies and other Dysfunctional Alliances on r/Over40Dating

TNFro Short Clips… News, Good Black News and Just Stupid: Lying on your resume may just be illegal, ask George Santos

Still a lot of firsts in the US in the 21st century...CHANTELLE PORTER IS NOW THE FIRST BLACK WOMAN JUDGE IN ILLINOIS' 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. Illinois is a state filled with Black political firsts. In 2017, Allison Madison was the first woman and first African-American to be elected as mayor of Mound City, Illinois. Juliana Stratton was named the … Continue reading TNFro Short Clips… News, Good Black News and Just Stupid: Lying on your resume may just be illegal, ask George Santos