TNFro Shorts…Loneliness, First Dates and Navigating The Holidays

Until I turned 50 and definitely during the pandemic, I never realized the depths of loneliness people my age are and how the pandemic severely exacerbated the isolation. Not everyone thrives being a hermit.

First dates were always so challenging, but taking walks and being yourself is the safest bet.

Being on the apps not for faint of heart. And first dates or even getting a first date is challenging.

 Practice in setting and keeping boundaries. The following contributing reminded us that 2022 casual is indeed not what I want. 

Knowing your worth and truthful of your needs

Holding onto someone who does not want to be with you. Listen to people when they tell you who they are from the outset. And if they can’t verbalize their feelings or punk out and say they need to end it with you due to personal issues, do you really want someone like that to circle back?

What is the stupidest excuse someone has used to end a relationship? Leave comment below or send response to

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